I think nearly every German heard about the social network "StudiVZ" or "SchülerVZ". People can create accounts, invite friends, upload and link photos, write on walls and so on ...
The Problem is: SchülerVZ is only for students and studivz is only for Students which go to university and so on. So most of the users created multiple accounts on both networks.
This is already crazy... because it is one company and you give them your informations twice! It is a waste of storage!
But never the less "publishing group Georg von Holtzbrinck" created a third (!!!) network. so we can register again to keep in touch with our relatives and adult friends that don't go to university, college or highschool!
However, the publishing group was very creative to design a new logo (:-P)
studiVZ | SchülerVZ | MeinVZ |
In my view, everyone should use facebook :-D
Because it's blue! Read more on this blog.
2 Kommentare:
first thanks for your comment ;-)
I have facebook, because I think it's simply better then studiVZ / meinVZ.
But all my friends are at studiVZ so I'll change my account to meinVZ.
I'm looking forward to german facebook.
And an other nice social network is orkut.
I think studiVZ will not exist any more in some years. Facebook is more global and will replace all the local sozial networks. www.bernhardstinson.wordpress.com
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